Various animal populations are declining worldwide and it is the responsibility of man to ensure their continued survival. There are many wrongs that will happen if a species becomes extinct, thats why animal conservation is essential. There are three main reasons for animal conservation. One prevention of extinction, two interrupting the food chain, and three overpopulation of another species.
One of the main reason's for animal conservation is to stop a species from becoming extinct. The Giant panda is listed as an endangered animal with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The Giant Panda's population numbers are declining due to their habitats being destroyed by humans who are building roads, constructing buildings etc. The building of the roads is not only destroying the food in the panda’s habitat it is also separating the pandas from one another. Pandas are solitary and only meet up with each other three times a year for mating. If they can’t get to each other during these three days then they can’t reproduce, which means their numbers will continue to go down as no babies are produced.
Interrupting the food chain can kill other species as well as be threatening to the already endangered species. Humans are interrupting various food chains through construction, overfishing and through deforestation. While humans continue to cut down trees near a river in South America, pollution and mercury are seeping into the river water. Pollution and mercury can affect the fish and other marine life living in the river water. They may get sick and this can further contaminate the water and threaten marine life, such as crustaceans, living within it. This is not the only problem though. There are pink dolphins (A.K.A Amazon River Dolphins) living in these rivers. The pink dolphin is an endangered animal and the effects from pollution and mercury spillage into the river waters due to human deforestation are one of the many reasons for their increasing deaths. Another contributor to the decline of the pink dolphin is the propellers from boats using the river. The sound from the propellers disorientates the dolphins and they end up getting cut up by the propeller blades. The cuts get infected in the water from pollutants, chemicals and bacteria and this leads to their death.
When a species dies out in an area or becomes extinct, other species may overpopulate the area. The introduction of foxes in Australia by the British caused foxes to overpopulate the area and then become a nuisance to farmers. Foxes were then killed by the farmers (because they were killing the farmers sheep & chickens), which meant that the rabbit population increased greatly...creating another problem for farmers...too many rabbits! The rabbits then became a nuisance to farmers because they were eating the farmers crops. This is why the Rabbit Proof Fence was put up. Introduction of animals to a new environment can cause an imbalance in the ecosystem of that area.
Various animal populations are continuing to decline worldwide and it is the responsibility of all of us to ensure their continued survival by preventing their extinction. People need to be being aware of how their decisions and actions impact the environment. How creating roads and buildings impacts the animals living within that area. Monitoring the flow of food chains by ensuring that there is no over fishing or hunting in any one area. Making sure that no one animal population grows to large in numbers that impact the environment or the population of another animal species. If everyone was to monitor how man builds and develops various societies we could ensure that the many animal populations that are presently endangered begin to increase in numbers and therefore prevent their extinction. It is man's responsibility.
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